Second of five from my senior degree project, survival kits.
Concrete, glass, pigment, stainless steel, bronze, silver, iodine.
Can you fix perception?

Photo by Ian Loring Shiver.
The metaphor "rose-colored glasses" isn't quite right; the process is much more gradual. It steeps, seeps, saturates over time, like a frog in a pot of heating water.
rosy cataracts has a headrest basin, operating table, an overhead mirror, and stainless steel and bronze implements to aid extraction. It also comes with a roll of paper, just like the doctor's office.

Exhibition installation at Woods-Gerry Gallery, May 2019. The platform was approximately 5 feet by 2.5 feet.

RISD Jewelry + Metalsmithing. Senior Degree Project. Fall 2018.